Having a garden is a smart investment for companies and organizations in Atlanta because the coexistence of people with nature and green spaces generates many benefits.

In fact, according to a Cardiff University study, spaces with green areas encourage a greater concentration of workers both in companies and in places for teleworking, which leads to a 15% improvement in productivity compared to offices that do not have these areas.

7 advantages of having a garden in the company

Improve productivity. As we have already explained, there are studies that show that having a garden in the company affects the work environment and the efficiency of the collaborators.

They represent a recreation space. With a garden in the company, workers are encouraged to go outside for a walk and enjoy natural light, something that is essential for their mental and physical health.

Improves the corporate image. By creating a work environment that includes plants and trees, a better reputation is generated among collaborators and clients, since it transmits a message more in line with sustainability and SDG 11 on sustainable cities.

They reduce the temperature. Green spaces in large cities improve the temperature, especially in summer, so parks and gardens are essential to improve the quality of life of the population.

They reduce noise. Plants and trees function as a kind of acoustic barrier, providing better conditions to serve customers.

They generate cleaner air. Plants clean the air, filtering out particles and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

They express authenticity and style. And, of course, we must not overlook the contribution that a garden makes to authentically express the style of the company; it is an element that can be key to improving the experience of buyers or consumers while adding beauty and natural sophistication to a building.

In general, having a garden that looks good confirms that we can live and work in harmony with nature.

Tejada’s Landscaping, your trusted advisor

If you are planning a unique garden design that adds a special air and adds to the personality of the brand, contact us.

We have experience creating gardens and green spaces for churches, apartment complexes, shopping centers, and public parks in Atlanta, Georgia.