Trees are an important part of most landscapes; they provide a beautiful backdrop and numerous benefits. However, a tree that appears healthy to the untrained eye could be a danger waiting to happen. Tree removal is usually a last resort and should only be considered when no other safe management option, such as pruning or disease mitigation, is sufficient. The good news is that you can often tell if a tree is struggling by observing its branches, trunk, roots, and location.

Here are some red flags that indicate your tree should be inspected by a professional and possibly removed:

Signs of infection:

Crown dieback, cracks in the tree’s bark, misshapen or discolored leaves, soft crumbly wood, and the appearance of fungi may indicate your tree is infected.

Large, dead branches in the tree’s crown:

These are sometimes referred to as “widow-makers” because they can fall without warning and seriously injure or damage anything in their path. If more than 50% of your tree has dead or dying branches, it will likely be removed for safety reasons.

Poor growth:

If your tree is not growing well compared to other trees growing near it, it could be struggling. Thin leaf cover, discolored foliage, and stunted growth are all signs of problems.

Evidence of root defects:

Root defects are usually not easily noticeable, but when fungi growth or heaving soil (a condition that occurs when underlying soil significantly expands and lifts it up) is found near the tree’s base, it can be a sign of root issues.

Compromised trunk:

Cracks or splits, large wounds, and dead branch stubs on the tree’s trunk all indicate internal decay. Many people don’t realize that trees can live and stand firm for years with inner decay, but eventually, they will fall.

The tree is hollow:

A tree with a hollow trunk has been severely compromised and is a hazard. If more than one-third of the tree is rotted or hollow inside, it must be removed.

Tree removal services

Sudden leaning:

Leaning trees are not necessarily dangerous, but a tree that suddenly leans to one side may have structural problems.

Sprouts at the base of the tree:

These are known as epicormic shoots and indicate that the tree is severely stressed and should be evaluated by a professional.

Tree is under power lines:

A tree growing into power lines can become a hazard and may need to be removed by a certified arborist or tree service.

Tree is too close to a structure:

Trees hanging over a roof or too close to a structure might need to be removed or at least regularly trimmed.

Trees are an integral part of our lives and provide countless benefits when we have them on our property. That’s why it’s essential to stay vigilant and monitor their health to avoid potential hazards. By keeping an eye out for red flags, you can ensure the safety of your property and of those around you.

If you live in Atlanta or Alpharetta and need tree services, look no further than Tejada’s Landscaping. Our team of professional arborists is equipped to handle our clients’ tree care needs, from pruning to removal. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality service to ensure your complete satisfaction. For reliable tree services in Atlanta, Georgia, don’t hesitate to contact Tejada’s Landscaping.